Your Club Needs Your Support!


Brighton High School’s diversity only starts with the students who attend it, but it goes to what those student’s interests are as well. There are multiple clubs at BHS, just a few are…

1. Rock Climbing Club- Sponsored by Mr. Mydans, this club aims to please the students with a passion for climbing and to introduce students to the activity. To get involved, contact Mr. Mydans, CA6, to find out to wear, what equipment to bring, and when the next meeting will be.

2. Fellowship of Christian Athletes- FCA is a club fitting for any student, regardless of religion or religious views, or even athleticism. The club aims to provide a fun and welcoming environment for all participants. Sponsored by Mr. Sandoval and Mrs. Anderson, the club meets every Thursday during lunch (A lunch Sandoval, B lunch Anderson), and will commonly have a monthly event.  To get involved, all a student needs to do is show up.

3. BHS Paintball Club- For any student interested in the extreme sport of professional paintball, and for the students that already have a passion for the sport, this club aims to take students out on the field and play the sport while representing Brighton High School. The club sponsor is Ms. Huss and to get involved, all you need to do is come to the meeting starting second semester.

4. Gay-Straight Alliance- This club seeks all students, regardless of sexual orientation, race, gender, political background, religion, etc… to promote total equality throughout the school and society surrounding the school. Sponsored by Mr. King, the club meets every Wednesday at 1:30. To get involved, a student needs to show up.

5. BHS Drama/ Technical Theatre- With director Ms. Arch, and technical director Mr. Hebert, Drama teaches and improves dramatic skills in students. To get involved, a student needs to audition when the auditions open. Rehearsals commonly run daily until the play opens.

6. BHS Sports- Brighton High offers a variety of sports throughout the year for students to take part in. Sports the school offers vary from football to basketball, tennis to volleyball, and golf to swimming. The season at which a sport takes place varies. Talk to a coach for a desired sport for additional season information, and to get involved, one needs to pay the initial fee and go to practice.

Story by: Nathan Kinder

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